Member-only story
[Sir Lanka Files 02] Flight
“What?” asked DaVic, trying desperately to catch up with the swift transition of events.
“We need to go! Now!” said the woman, her eyes darting everywhere as if expecting danger to be hiding in every corner of the room, and spring out at any moment.
“Go? Why?”
“No time! Here take this, and meet me at BoBo’s tomorrow evening!” said the woman pressing something into his hand and darting out the door.
DaVic stared at the object in his hand. It was tiny, circular, and shiny. It took him a moment to recognize the item through the haze of confusion blanketing all other thoughts in his mind. It was a memDisc for a POD. Why would she give him a memDisc? Did it contain something that might be a clue?
But his muddled and stumbling thought process was interrupted by a noise — — somebody was clattering up the rickety old stairs that led to his office.
He wondered what to do.
Should he stay? Or, should he try to escape in case this was some sort of danger as the woman had seemed to indicate?
Then a new thought intruded — — what if these were some of RaBlu’s goons? What if they were coming for him because of whatever secret that the woman had been about to spill?